The app

The "Myrunning info" app
is easy to use
with a variety of features!
You navigate easily
with the menu at the bottom.

Your mobile is already equipped with a lot of different sensors. These are used by the app to collect data when you run andYour mobile is already equipped with a lot of different sensors. These are used by the app to collect data when you run and with the help of sophisticated algorithms, your running movement is calculated. A range of values can thus be used to assess your running style, and what you should do to improve it! In this way, we want to help you with a better running technique/running economy and keep you on track with a smile!



In order for the app to give you the most possible location data must be set to the option "Always" in your mobile and your profile in the app needs to be filled out completely. Then you can get data such as vertical force, results from the Coopertest and much more.


What is your running technique really like? By starting a Technique test via the Start session button, your running technique will be assessed.

App content and features

the app's frontpage

On the front page you see your weekly total. Goals can be set by clicking on the header and the bars give goal fulfillment in percentage.

Add your own training plan and check off the sessions afterwards.

When you have completed a Technique test, the Technique grade is displayed.

At the bottom you can see your own Personal Best results. The top 10 results are shown for different distances; 400m, 1km, 5km, 10km, 21km and 42km, with date.


Via the menu, you can quickly change the screen.

Home:  is selected to get to the frontpage
Training: here a variety of passes can be selected to help you in your training.
School : here we give you training tips and program layouts, presented in video format (in Swedish only).
History: your running data is presented at different time intervals according to your preferences.
More: here you will find settings, information, profile, training planning etc

training planning

In order to achieve one's goals, planning is important. The app helps you by allowing training sessions to be planned per week. They are then displayed on the app's front page under the heading "Pass of the Week" where they can be ticked off afterwards.
Define your training program yourself, get inspiration from the running school where training sessions are available, or talk to a running coach for tips & advice on how to best achieve your running goals.

Running tech test

What is your running technique really like?
Start a technique test via the button
Start Pass and select Technique test. After warming up followed by 5 minutes of running, you will receive a technique rating. Your best result is shown on the app's front page and swipe to see graphs of how the different values have evolved. If you need tips on how to improve the values, they can be found under the School menu option.

personal best

Follow your 10 personal best results at the bottom of the front page for the distances 1km, 5km, 10km, 21km and 42km. They are ranked and dates are shown. This allows you to quickly assess how your run was. Click on the distance and the list will appear. Quick and easy!

running results

Press the button Start Pass and choose from the pass options. After the run, a summary of your results is given and the map is displayed. The right column shows total time etc, and the left column the active distance and time you actually ran. Climbing is shown in the number of height meters gained.
At the top right, Details is selected, which displays graphs with adjustable crosshairs that provide details. From there select Value to get all calculated results calculated such as ground contact.

Start training

When the Start pass button is pressed, the type of pass can be selected.. Running outdoors allows distance to be calculated and all associated values.
Technique test is started to complete tests and get running technique assessment. Pressing Pass opens a new view with different pass options.

select type

Choose from different pass types according to the view. You are guided with audible signals when, for example, your distance is reached, help to maintain a certain frequency with ticking recurring sounds, intervals are set, etc.
The sound signals allow you to keep the mobile phone tucked away in your waist bag, jacket pocket, etc.


Choose how long intervals you want where you switch between running and walking. Set the time with the buttons and press Start session. Audio signals guide you when the interval is over and the next one starts.

running school

In the running school (currently only in Swedish), you get tips on how to develop your running, running technique and running economy, as well as training programs presented in short videos.

Listen to lessons

I löpskolan väljs kategori av intresse, tex Bättre löpteknik. Välj sedan bland våra videos där Carl Norell pedagogiskt går igenom grunderna och hur löptekniken kan förbättras. Nya videos läggs successivt upp och noteras i förväg som kommande. 


Select History in the menu to see your previous workouts during the selected time period. Maybe you want to see how your step rate has changed over the last 12 months, etc. A variety of values are listed and easily selected below the bar chart. Distance, active time and climbing can also be followed.


Under the More menu option we have collected information; you can adjust your user profile, connect with friends and more. Remember to enter all values under the user profile to get correct values. For example, the Cooper value is calculated and it depends on age and gender etc.

Carl Norell

Carl Norell has many years of experience in running coaching and actively competes himself. Based on his knowledge, we have highlighted what a runner needs most and designed the app so that you can develop in the best possible way.

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